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Some Lab Updates


  • Lab alum Lorreen Agandi admitted to Med School in NYC--congrats Lorreen!

  • Jeff's J.M. Kaplan Fund Furthermore Grant arrives, to support writing of Ancient Lake Biodiversity book with MIT Press--thanks Kaplan!


  • #%'&*!!:


  • New J. Fish Biol. paper comes out in March--Stuckert, Drury, Anderson, Bowling, McKinnon.


  • Jeff travels to Europe for stay in Katie Peichel's lab and to give talks in Bern and Kastanienbaum (EAWAG, hosted by Ole Seehausen) ... Swiss science and hospitality both tremendous! Also visits lab alum Lenny Yong at Exeter, and gets camera calibration help and expert advice from Jolyon Troscianko, with many thanks.



  • McKinnon Lab welcomes 4 new undergraduate students: Matthew Wong, Michelle Giron- Morales, Bhakti Vahewala, and Maya Smith.


  • PhD student Christopher Anderson officially becomes a PhD Candidate!


  • Tyler Bowling and Michael Galigman graduate. Congratulations!


  • Christopher Anderson and BS Student Cody Hatchett collect 

       multiple hundreds of stickleback from Vancouver, British Columbia


  • Prof. Jeff McKinnon heads to Japan and Africa for academic meetings


  • Fall 2018- Two international students join the lab: PhD student Lucas Cortes (England) and MS student Minoti S. Asher (India). We are very excited to have you both join our ranks!

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  • McKinnon lab welcomes 5 new undergraduate students: Corey Winkler, Cody Hatchett, Michael Galligan, Jansen Newman, and Andrew Rikard


  • PhD student Christopher Anderson, MS students Tyler Bowling & Haley Overman, and Undergraduate students Corey Winkler & Andrew Rikard head to Vancouver and Vancouver Island for the 2017 field season.










  • Lab Alum, Undergraduate assistant Haley Overman ECU (class of 2016) is accepted to join the lab as an MS student starting in Fall 2017. Congratulations Haley!


  • PhD student Christopher Anderson receives a grant for public outreach to discuss the evolution of spines and color polymorphisms in threespine stickleback.


  • Undergraduate Research Assistants Tyler Walston and Mackenzie Brown graduate from ECU! Congratulations to you both and best of luck in the future


  • Tyler Walston successfully defends Undergraduate Honors Thesis!


  • Tyler Walston presents his undergraduate research at his first meeting!


  • Undergraduate Research Assistant Mackenzie Brown gets accepted into the MPH program at ECU! Congratulations Mackenzie


  • Complete remodel of the fish lab! Thanks to Chris Anderson and Tyler Bowling for getting it set up



  • Prospective students for admission into the MS or IDPBS PhD programs come to interview, best of luck to everyone!


  •   Successful presentation of recent work / proposed projects on stickleback throat color, spine

         color, and behavior by Chris Anderson at Graduate Recruiting Symposium


  • We have a new undergraduate member joining the lab.  Welcome to the wonderful world of evolution,  Mackenzie Brown


  •   Congratulations to Tyler Walston for being awarded the URCA Undergraduate Research      

         Grant, worth $2300, for his proposed work with killifish!


  •   Congratulations to Haley Overman on kicking butt the past few years in the

         equestrian world and finishing  her successful stint as president of the ECU

         Equestrian Club at IHSA regionals!


  • Chris Anderson and the McKinnon Lab team up with a High School to host a student interested in pursuing a career in science for the day!


  • McKinnon lab participated in ECU's outstanding 2016 Earth Day extravaganza  by teaching about evolution and coloration in the threespine stickleback


  • Undergraduate senior Haley Overman successfully presented her Honors

         College Undergraduate thesis research at RCAW and the Biology

         Undergraduate Research Symposium!



  • Congratulations and warmest wishes to Haley Overman as she

          graduates magna cum laude! Good luck with all of your future

          endeavors, Haley. You will be missed!



  • Successful field season completed by Chris Anderson and Zach Harrison! Collection of fish from multiple populations between Seattle and Vancouver, and exploration of new sites for possible future work!


  • Both senior undergraduates in the lab, Tyler Walston and Lorreen Agandi, began new research projects exploring a more molecular side of evolution. Good luck to both of them!


  • A big congratulations to Zach Harrison for getting married!


  • Jeff and Chris attend Evolution 2016 in Austin, Texas. Chris presented two posters at the meeting, one on his previous work concerning anthropogenic changes and rapid evolution in mosqitofish, and the other on the collaborated work with Haley Overman on correlations between throat color, spine color, and population within and between the sexes of threespine stickleback.


  • New MS student Tyler Bowling joins the lab for the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester!


  • Chris Anderson gives an awesome talk about Sperm Wars at NERD NITE


  • Congratulations to Burns Newsome, who successfully defended his MS thesis and gave a great seminar for the department. Good luck with everything, Burns, you will be greatly missed


  • Congratulations and warmest wishes to Lorren Agandi as she graduates magna cum laude and successfully defends her undergraduate honors thesis! Good luck to you with all that you want to accomplish!


  • Congratulations to Zach Harrison, who successfully defended his MS thesis over the Christmas  holidays! Good luck with and Best wishes to you and your future



  • Congratulations to Dr. Lenny Yong on his successful Dissertation Defense, we wish you the best of luck with the start of your Post Doc at the Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Congratulations to Christopher Anderson on his acceptance to ECU's Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences PhD program, and for becoming the newest member of the McKinnon Lab
  • Successful completion of a 3 week field season by Burns, Haley, and Chris in Washington and British Columbia, as well as field work by Zach at Lake Waccamaw, Lake Phelps, and other sites across NC, VA, and SC
  •  Jeff, Burns, and Chris head to Stony Brook University for Stickleback 2015 meeting
  • Congratulations to Incoming PhD student, Christopher Anderson, on all the press
         his recent publication in Evolution is getting!
        Discover Magazine Blog, IFLscience, NC State news, Gizmodo,, ECU Biology
  • Fall 2015 semester begins- Good luck especially to Haley Overman on her final year
        as an undergraduate student here at ECU 

© 2015           

I think that by retaining one’s childhood love of such things as trees, fishes, butterflies and . . . toads, one makes a peaceful and decent future a little more probable.
                                                                                                                 —George Orwell, 1946

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